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"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
"Providing innovation, excellence and expertise to schools and academies across London and the South East."
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Providing high-quality Governance services, including training, advice, consultancy and comprehensive clerking in all educational settings.
Empowering your Board to enhance Trust and school effectiveness through outstanding governance, robust accountability and clear strategic leadership.
The team’s personal approach provides bespoke consultancy, training, advice and professional clerking developed to meet your Board’s unique needs.
Our professional, highly skilled and experienced team keep you up to date and informed on the latest best practice, governance changes and educational developments.
Comprehensive, up to date, virtual face to face training, delivered by highly skilled facilitators for Trustees, Governors and Clerks. We provide training on site and virtually, tailored to meet your Board’s needs and access to a wide ranging selection of e- learning modules.
We supply skilled clerks on a contract or ad-hoc basis who contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and compliance of your Board. Working in partnership with you, our clerks will provide effective advice, guidance and administrative support.
We provide specialist, rapid, comprehensive advice and assistance via telephone, email or face to face meetings all year round to ensure robust governance practice. In addition, an extensive resource library which includes welcome packs, best practice guides, templates and briefing papers is available.
Our breadth of experience, knowledge and expertise across all educational phases and settings enables us to deliver fit for purpose additional services to Trusts and schools. Targeted consultancy will strengthen the impact of your governance. Additional services include external reviews of governance, independent review panels, bespoke training and governance complaint investigations.
Strong and robust governance is a crucial part of a successful school. Boards are being asked to tackle underperformance, challenge mediocrity, refuse to accept second best for any child and set the highest of expectations. Boards are being held to account by Ofsted and are being asked to demonstrate the impact of their work on improving educational standards in their school. The importance and significance of outstanding governance and leadership across the education system has never been greater.
Governor Services work with Boards to empower you to provide outstanding strategic leadership and ensure that all children receive the best possible education. We work together so that your evidence is clear, concise and relevant, demonstrating the impact of your hard work and commitment.
Boards are equipped to provide clear strategic leadership and ensure robust accountability.
Boards can easily develop key skills, knowledge and understanding to help navigate the twists and turns of governance today.
Governors become more confident in carrying out their roles and responsibilities effectively.
Governors are equipped to raise achievement through monitoring and evaluating the performance of the school.
Professional, proactive advisors with up to date knowledge and experience of school, single academy, and MAT governance.
Boards receive a high quality, professional service, which is competitively priced and represents excellent value for money.
What happens if you take 5 School Governors from Croydon, drop them in the town of Joensuu, Finland for a week and allow them to ferret around a number of schools to try to get under the skin of the Finnish education system. This film is a record of that trip, the revelations and surprises that it showed us not just about the Finnish education system but also what it said about our own back in the UK.