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The long-awaited announcement from the government on Wednesday regarding the new national funding formula wasn’t a surprise to most. In general, the changes were made to ‘address the historic gaps in funding between different areas’ and to put a stop to the ‘postcode lottery’ of funding to schools. For the most part, we will see the money moving from London and other urban areas to more rural, less affluent parts of the country.
But what does this mean for us locally? How do these national trends affect schools in Croydon, Bromley and Sutton?
With all of this taken into consideration, the proposals as they currently are indicate overall good news for Croydon schools, 50:50 for Sutton and mostly decreases for Bromley.Data regarding your individual school can be found here or you can view the tables of the biggest gainers and losers here.
Author: Patrick Leavy (Finance service)
What does the NFF mean for you?