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"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
"Providing innovation, excellence and expertise to schools and academies across London and the South East."
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Having joined us at the beginning of the year, Abigail Lammas, CEO of Octavo Partnership, introduces herself to our customers at an exciting time for the company…
Six weeks have passed since I commenced my role as CEO of Octavo Partnership. As my daughter would say, I am the newbie! During this time, I have met with many of you, listened to your challenges and opportunities. I was fortunate enough to meet many of our schools, and potential teachers, at the CHTA Recruitment Fair which was run in partnership and organised by Octavo. It was great to see many of the Croydon schools represented and the footfall of potential teachers could have been likened to a stampede. I hope that over the coming months we see the fruits of this important partnership event.
At the beginning of the academic year we were successful in bidding for SSiF funding for a Maths Coaching Project, which is a collaboration between Octavo, Valley Teaching Alliance, Change Through Learning Teaching Alliance and Pegasus Trust. The project aims to provide teachers with tried and tested improvement and development activities combining access to theory, coaching and collaboration with others. We are really keen to extend the reach and outputs of this project, so if you are interested in getting involved please do let us know.
These are challenging times for all sorts of reasons and I feel it is timely to reiterate Octavo’s uniqueness as a social enterprise, meaning any profits are not merely consumed by private shareholders, but instead are reinvested into collaborative, co-production of new solutions in order to build capacity and resilience for the future of children’s education. Only through your engagement and our reinvestment can we truly work towards a shared ambition.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those for their continued support in Octavo services. We may not always be the lowest-priced, but we aim to deliver a high-class, quality service utilising the most professional and knowledgeable expertise we can source.
Those of you who are considering trying Octavo but are not sure, please do give us a call, equally I would be happy to come and meet with you to hear your thoughts and aspirations for the future.
Best wishes,
Abi Lammas
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those for their continued support in Octavo services.